The Centre for Global Social Policy offers training opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral trainees. Trainees at the University of Toronto can take advantage of opportunities run through the Centre that are part of their degree programs. From time to time, we also offer opportunities for students enrolled in programs in other universities to join us in collaborations or as visiting students.
Trainees Currently Affiliated with the Centre for Global Social Policy
The Centre’s trainees range from undergraduate students to postdoctoral fellows and include students enrolled in programs in Sociology, Public Health and the Masters of Public Policy. We also often have students visiting from other countries and institutions.

Alexa Carson

Kayla Benjamin
Aurelie Etienne

Pelin Gul
Jinri Kim

Anna Kuznetsov

Izumi Niki
Fabio Robibaro

Kenny Smith

Daniela Ugarte Villalobos
We often have opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in the work of the Centre through either the University of Toronto’s Work Study program or through the Research Opportunity Program. We encourage graduate students in Sociology and aligned fields at the University of Toronto to speak with the projects’ Principal Investigators if they are interested in collaborating and accessing our data, and/or are seeking Research Assistant positions. Students might also consider applying through the MITACs program.
Students at other universities who are interested in visiting and collaborating should contact the Principal Investigators with their interest. We also frequently host postdoctoral trainees.

Student News

Student Outputs