Projects •

Current and Recent Projects

Going Solar: Social Identity, Social Context, and Social Influence in the Diffusion of Solar Rooftop Panels

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Housing Assistance, Neighbourhood Change and Residential Mobility

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Identification and Insecurity in the Data Economy

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Immigrant Integration and Health: Multidimensional and Cross-National Analyses Over the Life Course

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Inequality in Childcare: The Case of Nannies

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Investing in Inclusive and Sustainable Care: A Macroeconomic Approach to Understanding Care in Mongolia

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All Research & Articles

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Sri Lanka

5 October 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in South Korea

1 June 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Colombia

20 April 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Mongolia

16 March 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Canada

10 March 2023

Project Profiles Research Findings

Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Reconceptualizing Care, Work, and Migration

23 February 2016

Project Profiles Research Findings

International Organizations

23 February 2016

Project Profiles Research Findings

Culture in the framing of care in Chinese societies

23 February 2016