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Current and Recent Projects

Going Solar: Social Identity, Social Context, and Social Influence in the Diffusion of Solar Rooftop Panels

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Inequality in Childcare: The Case of Nannies

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Investing in Inclusive and Sustainable Care: A Macroeconomic Approach to Understanding Care in Mongolia

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All Research & Articles

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Sri Lanka

5 October 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in South Korea

1 June 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Colombia

20 April 2023

Facts and Context Project Profiles

Country Profile: Care Economy in Mongolia

16 March 2023

Facts and Context

Fact Sheet: Childcare & Caregivers in Canada

12 March 2023

Project Profiles Facts and Context

Country Profile: Care Economy in Canada

10 March 2023

Research Findings Facts and Context

Finding Care through Ethnic Networks: “75% of requests are for live-in.”

3 August 2017

Facts and Context

For Love or Money?

23 October 2016

Facts and Context

Canada: Migrant Domestic Workers

24 February 2016