Theodora Lam is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, based at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS). She obtained her Ph.D. in Geography from NUS and her dissertation focused on understanding changing gender subjectivities, the web of care and relationships within the family in the wake of transnational labour migration. Her research highlights the voices of return migrants as well as carers and children who have remained in the home countries. Theodora is currently involved in several multi-country research projects including Child Health and Migrant Parents in Southeast Asia (CHAMPSEA) and Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium (MOoP). Her research interests cover transnational migration, children’s geographies and gender studies. She has co-edited two special journal issues, “Asian Transnational Families in Transition: The Liminality of Simultaneity” in International Migration (2008, with Shirlena Huang and Brenda Yeoh) and “Asian Transnational Families” in Global Networks (2005, with Brenda Yeoh and Shirlena Huang), and she has also published on themes relating to migration, citizenship and education in various journals and edited books including American Behavioral Scientist, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, and Environment and Planning A. Theodora also holds a Diploma in Education (Credit) from the National Institute of Education and has worked previously as a teacher.
Current Projects

Gender, Migration, & The Work of Care
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