Crystal Simeoni

Crystal Simeoni


Nawi—Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective

Crystal Simeoni is a Pan African feminist activist working on macro level economic issues. She currently serves as the Director of Nawi—Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective (The Nawi Collective). In her role as director, Crystal curates the work of the collective towards contributing to building a feminist community in Africa of individuals and organisations working on influencing, analysing, deconstructing and reconstructing macroeconomic policies, narratives. The collective also works on reimagining alternatives through an intersectional Pan African feminist lens. Before this she was head of Advocacy with a focus on Economic Justice at FEMNET and was the Policy Lead of the Tax and the International Financial Architecture at TJN-A before that. She is currently an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity.

Current Projects