Care Economies in Context


The push for a national caregiving strategy

Article in The Philanthropist Journal features insights from Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence and Ito Peng

In “The Push for a National Caregiving Strategy,” journalist Christina Palassio profiles the efforts of policy and advocacy groups to advance solutions to Canada’s crisis in care. The article features quotes from interviews with Liv Mendelsohn, James Janeiro, and Christa Haanstra of the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE), as well as Ito Peng, principal investigator of the Care Economies in Context project.

The Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence is a Care Economies in Context project partner.

Ito Peng is Canada Research Chair in Global Social Policy, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at the Department of Sociology and the School of Public Policy and Governance, and the Director of the Centre for Global Social Policy.


Palassio, C. (2025, January 7). The push for a national caregiving strategy. The Philanthropist Journal.