Care Economies in Context

Policy Tools

Childcare For Whom? A background paper for the Inclusive child care for all project

Report by Martha Friendly, Ngọc Thơ Nguyễn, and Matthew Taylor provides insights into Inclusive childcare for all’s policy and advocacy efforts

In Childcare For Whom? A background paper for the Inclusive child care for all project, Martha Friendly, Ngọc Thơ Nguyễn, and Matthew Taylor provide a background for the Inclusive child care for all project. This project, led by Oxfam Canada, Child Care Now and the Childcare Resource and Research Unit, aims to address barriers to access to regulated child care experienced by newcomers to Canada, racialized women and women with disabilities. The paper sets out to address two main questions: which groups of women are under-represented in regulated early learning and child care, and what barriers do they face to more equitable representation?

Martha Friendly is a member of the Care Economies in Context project and executive director of the Childcare Resource and Research Unit.


Friendly, M., Nguyễn, N.T., & Taylor, M. (2023, November 13). Childcare For Whom? A background paper for the Inclusive child care for all project.

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