Care Economies in Context

“The Push for a National Caregiving Strategy” features insights from CCCE and Ito Peng

Article in The Philanthropist Journal profiles the efforts of policy and advocacy groups to advance a care agenda at all levels of society

In “The Push for a National Caregiving Strategy,” journalist Christina Palassio explores the causes and effects of Canada’s crisis in care, and tracks the efforts to make the “issue of care politically and socially unignorable.”

In particular, the piece focuses on the work that the Canadian Centre of Caregiving Excellence (CCCE, a Care Economies in Context project partner) is doing to get the federal government to adopt a National Caregiving Strategy. Quotes from the CCCE’s Liv Mendelsohn, James Janeiro, and Christa Haanstra illustrate the urgency for comprehensive policy solutions.

The article also features insights from Ito Peng, CGSP director and principal investigator of Care Economies in Context. Ito speaks to some of the core issues that care-focused policies must address in order to be effective.