The Centre for Global Social Policy (CGSP) was well represented at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology—Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology held in Yokohama, Japan, from the 13th to the 19th of July 2014.
A number of people working on the Gender, Migration, and Work of Care (GMC) project with CGSP attended and presented at the conference. Their involvement is highlighted below:
Ito Peng—Principal Investigator of GMC. Politics of Care Project Lead (Shaping and Framing of Care Research Domain):
- Co-ordinated the RC19 Program.
- Presented the paper, Reshaping and Reframing Gender, Carem and Migration: With Focus on Asia-Pacific, at the session titled, “The Global Migration of Gendered Care Work, Part 2.”
- Presented the paper, The “New” Social Investment Policies in Japan and South Korea: Social Inclusion through Social Care Expansion? at the session titled, “Social Investment in East Asia.”
- Organized the following sessions: “Restructuring Care Policies,” “New Inequality and Social Exclusion,” and “Open Session.”
- Co-organized the session titled, “The Global Migration of Gendered Care Work, Part 1.”
Rianne Mahon—International Governance Project Co-Lead (Shaping and Framing Care Research Domain):
- Co-organized the session titled, “Old and New Politics of Global Social Policy,” and presented the paper Articulating a Feminist Agenda with the OECD: The Working Party at this session.
- Co-organized and chaired the session titled, “Global Social Policy and the International Development Agenda.”
Susan McDaniel—Demography, Economics and Policy Project Lead (Supply and Demand of Care Work Research Domain):
- Invited to the World Congress of Sociology’s plenary session, “Production and Practice of Inequality,” and presented the paper Duel of the Dualisms: Production and Reproduction Reconfiguring.
- Invited to the Presidential Symposium titled, “Aging, Globalization and Inequality” in the Research Committee on Aging & Life Course and presented the paper,Global Ageing in Precarious Times.
- Co-organized the joint session of Research Committees on Aging & the Life Course and on Population titled, “Population Aging in South, East and Southeast Asia: Challenges and Opportunities.”
- Co-organized the joint session of Research Committees on Aging & the Life Course and on Population titled, “Japan’s Experience with Population Aging: Policy Challenges and Innovations.”
Jennifer Chun—Employment Standards and Labour Organizing Project Collaborator (Care Provisioning Research Domain):
- Presented the paper The Affective Politics of the Precariat at the session titled, “The Politics of the Precariat: A Dialogue with Guy Standing.”
- Presented the paper Protest Repertoires as Expressive Cultures: Reconceptualizing the Struggle of Informally-Employed Workers in South Korea at the session titled, “RC44 Roundtable II.”
- Co-organized the following sessions: “The Global Migration of Gendered Care Work. Part 2”; “Authors Meet Their Critics. Three New Perspectives in Global Labour Studies. Session with Rina Agarwala, Ruy Braga and Jamie McCallum”; and “The Global Migration of Gendered Care Work. Part 1.”
- Served as the Program Coordinator for all of the RC44 (Labour Movements Research Committee) sessions.
Miyoung An—Kookim University (Partner Organization):
- Presented the paper Care Time Diamond and its Applications to Seven Asian Societies, at the session titled, “Transforming Familialism: Care Regimes in the 21st Century Asia.”
- Organized the session titled, “Gender and Welfare State Redesign: Work, Care and Social Citizenship” and presented the paper Familialism in Transition: The Development of the Childcare Regime in Korea at this session.
Emiko Ochiai—Kyoto University (Partner Organization):
- Organized the session titled, “Transforming Familialism: Care Regimes in the 21st Century Asia” and co-presented the paper Care Regimes and De-/Familialization in Asian Seven Societies at this session.
Yi-Chun Chien—PhD Student, Political Science, University of Toronto:
- Presented the paper, Integrating Care Regime and Migration Regime: A Case Study of Taiwan at the session titled, “Restructuring Care Policies and (Re-)Making Care Professions.”